Eclipse Day Cloud Forecast

Happy Eclipse Day!

I know I said I wasn’t going to make a final forecast, but I had a few extra minutes this morning and couldn’t resist.

Eclipse Day Mean

Links to the original content:

Well, this is it - the final cloud cover mean map for 2024.

Not much has changed in the last few hours, with the exception of perhaps a slightly improved forecast in Arkansas and Southern Missouri.

Patchy clouds will dominate most of the range of totality, and it is imperative that you be alert and mobile with regards to the clouds. A few miles / kilometers can make all the difference!

Eclipse Day Maximum

As before, a look at the maximum map (where yellow indicates at least one forecast calling for cloudless skies) indicates there’s a chance for nearly everyone along the line of totality.

Eclipse Day Minimum

A look at the minimum map (where yellow means no cloud model predicted a cloudy day) shows that Central Arkansas, Southeast Missouri, Quebec, and Maine were the best options this year.

Let’s take one final look at Texas’ weather:

Eclipse Day Mean (Texas)

A pretty significant change happened overnight as a small pocket of comparatively clear skies has opened up just northwest of Austin. Additionally, the forecast for north and west of the Dallas Metro Area has improved, as well.

Eclipse Day Maximum (Texas)

You can really see that new pocket northwest of Austin much clearer on this model.

And that’s where I’ll be heading from San Antonio here in a few minutes! I found a place to park in Burnet at the Hill Country Fellowship, which -at the time of publication- had about 100 extra spots left if you’re looking for a place to go:

Again, it has been a pleasure creating this blog over the last two weeks. Best of luck to everyone today.

Clear skies, friends!


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Eclipse Day Cloud Coverage Model at T-24 Hours