Eclipse Day Cloud Coverage Model at T-84/90/96 Hours
We’re now officially inside the 96-hour window where cloud models become more reliable. The forecasts are beginning to concur, so let’s take a look at what our merged eight model forecast has in store.
T-84/90-96 Hours Mean
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Generally speaking, the models are calling for a relatively clear day in Maine, Quebec, Vermont and the Adirondacks Region of Upstate New York. From Western New York through Northeast Ohio is a higher chance of cloud cover, as in Dallas, San Antonio, and Mazatlan. The areas along the range of totality between Arkansas and Central Ohio do not concur amongst the models, indicating the potential for clouds during totality.
T-84/90/96 Hours Minimum
Looking at the model stack’s minimum render, the only areas the models agree will be cloud-free are Northern Vermont, those parts of Quebec, and parts of Maine. Nearly every other location along the path of totality has at least one model calling for clouds.
T-84/90/96 Hours Maximum
Conversely, nearly every city along the path of totality has a model which shows a cloud-free day (the main exception being areas around San Antonio.)
So what does all this mean? Well, my take is pretty simple: there is still a high degree of uncertainty between the models at this point in time and almost every location along the path of totality has at least a chance of 3 minutes of cloudiness during totality. Some areas (Maine, Quebec) have a higher chance than others (Southern Texas), but I don’t think there’s any need to make a snap decisions about changing locations at the moment. And to put my money where my mouth is: I’m still going to be heading to San Antonio.
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